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Why You Should Visit a Chiropractor

Chiropractors are nationally registered health practitioners who offer treatment for conditions affecting your muscles and bones (musculoskeletal system).

Chiropractors in Adelaide chiropractor specialize in spinal manipulation, massage therapy and lifestyle advice to promote overall wellness and provide non-invasive ways of treatment without pain relievers or more invasive methods. Scheduling regular appointments with one may help ensure an easier life!

Back pain Adelaide chiropractorBack pain is one of the most widespread health conditions, affecting eight out of ten people at some point during their lifetimes. It may range from dull but constant discomfort to sharp sharp pain that comes and goes, usually affecting lower back but may also impact neck, midback or upper back regions; caused by muscle strain, injury or spinal deformity.

An experienced chiropractor may suggest ordering an X-ray or MRI scan in order to properly diagnose any causes for back pain, as well as conducting a physical exam to inspect posture and range of motion in joints as well as lifestyle or work habits that could be contributing.

Most back pain can be alleviated with spinal manipulations, which is a gentle yet safe treatment that can improve joint and muscle function. The procedure involves moving the spine through various positions to loosen tight muscles and increase nerve conductivity; some patients report immediate relief while others may require several sessions before experiencing relief from back discomfort.

If you are suffering from severe or chronic back pain, your chiropractor might recommend an aggressive form of spinal manipulation known as high-velocity, low-amplitude (HVLA) manipulation. This therapy typically requires full anesthesia or twilight sedation in a hospital outpatient setting and typically reserved for those not responding to more conservative forms of therapy. HVLA manipulation has been found to temporarily alleviate both back and neck pain by decreasing levels of neuropeptides which act as hormones or neurotransmitters in the body.

Neck pain

Our neck (cervical spine) consists of seven small vertebrae that support the weight of our heads and allow for incredible flexibility, enabling us to move our heads in almost all directions. However, its extreme flexibility also leaves it vulnerable to injury; any trauma to vertebrae or soft tissues within can result in pain, stiffness or reduced range of motion in the area.

Your chiropractor in Adelaide chiropractor will conduct a detailed case history and exam, including posture checks and neurological scans, before conducting orthopedic tests and manipulation to assess cervical curve, spinal alignment, bone health and disc health as well as identify narrowed disc space, bone spurs or any other potential problems in the neck area. Finally, an x-ray of your neck may also be taken in order to detect narrowed disc spaces, bone spurs or any other potential issues that arise during their examination process.

Neck pain often responds well to chiropractic treatment. A combination of chiropractic adjustments, physical therapy and home exercise programs may alleviate symptoms while acupuncture and massage may provide additional support. If pain becomes severe, your doctor may also prescribe medications like muscle relaxants and tricyclic antidepressants; alternatively if nerve damage is suspected your doctor could inject an epidural steroid injection (ESI).

To prevent neck pain or stop it from returning, practice good posture, take frequent breaks when sitting in front of video displays or computers, sleep on a firm mattress and refrain from carrying heavy loads on your shoulders. Hot and cold packs may help alleviate stiffness while neck exercises and stretches can improve range of motion and ease discomfort. If the pain doesn’t subside after several weeks of self care measures are implemented, consult a healthcare provider.


Headaches are among the most prevalent medical ailments and may range from dull pounding to sharp pain, lasting from minutes to several days, often as a result of food, stress, sleep deprivation or other medical conditions. If you find yourself experiencing frequent headaches it may be wise to visit a chiropractor and see how they can assist.

According to research conducted by the Australian Chiropractic Research Network PBRN (ACORN PBRN), chiropractors treat a large proportion of patients suffering from headache disorders, such as tension headache, cervicogenic headache and migraine. Further investigation into primary headache disorders’ causes and how chiropractors manage them is still required.

Researchers interviewed chiropractors at Adelaide chiropractor practicing private chiropractic practices about the demographics of their patient base and approaches they use in managing headache disorders. Chiropractors were asked whether they used headache assessment instruments such as the MIDAS or HDI and how often they referred their headache patients elsewhere for management.

Overall, chiropractors surveyed reported that they referred their headache patients to other healthcare professionals for various reasons. This may include investigating red-flags of headaches or helping with acute headache pain as well as improving coping mechanisms related to headaches.

Chiropractic physicians also utilize spinal manipulation and soft tissue therapy techniques to manage recurring headaches, including myofascial release to increase blood flow in the neck and head area, teaching patients exercises targeting deep flexor muscles that may help ease tension headaches, nutritional changes and exercise to help prevent future episodes, etc.

Poor posture

Poor posture has more serious effects than just visual. It can have adverse consequences on your health, mood and self-confidence as well. Maintaining healthy posture requires regular exercises like stretching and good form when exercising; your chiropractor can help develop an exercise program designed to improve it.

Many people with poor posture also suffer from an unstable or weak spine. Our natural S-shaped curve is meant to absorb shock and distribute weight evenly; when it becomes weak or unstable it can lead to pain, loss of function, and other issues. Poor posture results from tight (short) muscles being pulled tighter by weak (long) ones. This may be caused by stress, bad habits such as hunching over computers or phones too often, pregnancy and/or conditions like scoliosis among many other reasons.

Your chiropractor at Adelaide chiropractor will use hands-on assessments to diagnose what is causing posture issues. They may ask about your daily lifestyle, exercise routine, work habits, pain or discomfort location and where else it exists. In addition, they may conduct a muscle imbalance test in order to check if tight or overstretched muscles have led to muscle imbalance or pain.

Forward head and rounded shoulder posture is an often-seen health problem in daily life that may lead to other health complications over time. This study’s objective was to investigate whether sitting for 15 minutes in this posture significantly compromised push-up performance and whether certain back muscles fatigued quicker than others. Fourteen male participants were instructed to occupy this slouchy position for 15 minutes with surface electromyography (sEMG) monitoring at their upper arms to track muscle fatigue levels.

Muscle and joint pain

If your joints become painful and do not improve after using heat or ice or over-the-counter pain relievers, or worsen with time, it is wise to consult a chiropractor immediately. Pain should never simply be accepted as “part of growing old” or a normal part of life; seek medical advice immediately!

Joint pain can vary in intensity from dull and constant to sharp, throbbing or burning sensations in any joint of your body, from your fingers and toes all the way up to your hips, knees and feet. It can be caused by arthritis, sprains, strains or any number of conditions or diseases, among other potential sources.

Diagnosing muscle and joint pain requires collecting a medical history as well as performing physical exams, along with imaging studies such as x-rays, CT scans or MRI to pinpoint its source.

Muscle knots and pain may be caused by joint dysfunction or restrictions in the spine or other parts of the body, including spinal adjustments. Chiropractors at Adelaide chiropractor have the training needed to effectively address these problems through hands-on chiropractic manipulation techniques such as spinal adjustments. They may also use muscle therapy techniques to release these knots for long-term relief.

Chiropractors use ultrasound, cold laser therapy, or mild electrical stimulation to decrease swelling and relieve pain in joints. They may also teach exercises that will strengthen and stabilize affected joints to improve quality of life – from stretching out stiff joints daily to improving range of motion with range-of-motion exercises – in addition to offering nutritional guidance through diet changes that support healing such as proper sleeping posture, warm-up/cool-down exercises/stretches as well as eating nutritiously dense food to support healing.

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